Trio Chagall

Saturday 3 May 2025, 7pm

All Saints’ Church, Tudeley, Tonbridge


Piano – Lorenzo Nguyen
Violin – Edoardo Grieco
Cello – Francesco Massimino 


A treat for the Bank Holiday weekend! TMC is delighted to welcome the prize-winning Trio Chagall for a special gala evening in the wonderful setting of All Saints’ church, Tudeley, the only church in the world with all-Chagall stained glass windows. The Trio was named as a tribute to Marc Chagall, who has always been a deep source of inspiration, as well as being admired for his ties to music and strong expressive power through the use of colour.

Prolific competition winners, in September 2023 Trio Chagall was awarded First Prize at the Schoenfeld International String Competition in Harbin, China. The Trio has been announced as ECHO Rising Stars, embarking on a tour of Europe’s major concert halls in the 24/25 season.

Joseph  Haydn: Piano Trio Hob. XV:35 in A major
Maurizio Azzan: ‘As if snowflakes, in rows, rose towards the sky’
Felix Mendelssohn: Piano Trio No.1 in D minor, Op.49


“Both from a technical and expressive point of view, Trio Chagall […] does not appear to be a group of ex wunderkind nor of young promises, but rather an ensemble of mature musicians, able to deeply relate with the score, regardless of the composer or period.” (Circuito Musica)


Before the concert Josephine Willoughby, from the Chagall Windows Preservation Trust, will give a short talk about the windows.

The concert will be approximately 1 hour, without an interval, followed by a glass of bubbly and canapes, and a chance to meet these outstanding artists.

Doors will open at 6.30pm.


Standard ticket £30  | Students & Under 18s £10
(Ticket includes a glass of bubbly, canopes and a programme)
Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult


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About Trio Chagall

Trio Chagall has recently established itself as a winner of the First Prize at the “Schoenfeld International String Competition” of Harbin in China.Additionally, the Trio was recently named an ECHO RISING STAR for the 2025/2026 season, and in June 2023, after passing two auditions and succeeding in the finals at Wigmore Hall in London, the Trio was chosen as a YCAT artist. In all these cases, it was the first time an Italian ensemble had achieved such recognition. 

In Italy, Trio Chagall has gained the attention of the musical milieu as a winner of the Second Prize – First Prize was not awarded – at the 20th edition of the “Premio Trio di Trieste”, where it was also given the special prizes “Dario de Rosa” for the best performance of a piece by Schumann, “Fernanda Selvaggio” for best Trio of the competition and “Young award” as most promising ensemble finalist. With an average age of 20 years, the Trio was the youngest chamber group ever awarded in the history of the competition.

These are only the latest in a series of successes for Trio Chagall, which include the 1st overall prize of the chamber music category at the Amadeus Factory competition – the first talent dedicated to the young Italian Conservatory’s artist – the “Giovanna Maniezzo” prize by the Jury of the Accademia Musicale di Siena and the nomination as the “Ensemble of the year 2020/2021” by Dimore del Quartetto, one of the largest network of young international ensembles.

In 2022 Trio Chagall was chosen as Ensemble in residence for the Comitato Amur for 2023/2024 and in 2023 as Ensemble in residence in Paris for ProQuartet – Centre Européen de musique de chambre. 

Defined as «a very young trio, but already very mature in the search of refined interpretative solutions» (ARCHI magazine), Trio Chagall was founded in 2013 by Lorenzo Nguyen (piano), Edoardo Grieco (violin) and Francesco Massimino (cello) within the Conservatory of Music “G. Verdi” of Turin. The name of the Trio is intended as a tribute to the famous painter Marc Chagall, who has always been a deep source of inspiration and has always been admired for his ties to music and his strong expressive power through the use of color.

Trio Chagall is currently based in Basel, where it deepens the repertoire at the Hochschule für Musik, and it is ECMA Ensemble at the European Chamber Music Academy

From 2020 the Trio is supported by Fondazione De Sono.

Trio Chagall is involved in an intense concert activity around Europe, Kuwait, China and Japan, performing in prestigious venues like Wigmore Hall in London, Grand Theatre in Harbin, Teatro Verdi in Trieste, Theatre dal Verme and Sala Verdi in Milan, Izumi Hall in Osaka, Teatro la Fenice, JACC Center.

Trio Chagall has collaborated with Bruno Giuranna, Giampaolo Pretto and Luca Ranieri.

Edoardo Grieco plays a violin “Carlo Antonio and Giovanni Testore” made in Milano in 1764 and Francesco Massimino plays the cello “Oro del Reno”by Gaetano Sgarabotto made in Milano in 1948.